Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cut out the cramps!

Today we will talk about.....something no one wants to talk about.....

Ugh...sound familiar? If you're anything like me, you can relate to this post from so well that you even feel a twinge of pain reading it. I'm sure you've tried everything from heating pads to an inappropriate amount of ibprofen. You sit there, suffering quietly while trying to tell yourself it doesn't really hurt. Well I may have something that will help you....

Enter Red Raspberry Leaf tea. My lifesaver. I cannot possibly write enough blog posts (nor would you want to read them) about how much this stuff has changed my life. Now I'm not being sponsored by this tea or anything, but I owe a lot of days to it. A couple years ago I did a bunch of reading on natural ways to relieve cramps, and many articles mentioned Red Raspberry Leaf tea. Now it can't just be raspberry flavored tea, it has to be the leaf. There are several brands that sell this tea but I am a fan of There is real science behind this people! The raspberry leaf tea contains tannins which can help to naturally tone the uterus. This may sound gross, but it helps! 


My favorite way to enjoy this tea is hot with honey, lemon, and ginger but it is equally as yummy cold. Give it a try and let me know what you think! Its a game changer. 

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